5 Tips for Improving Summer Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) from AdvantaClean of Cary/ Apex

anankkml_FDPSummer in the Triangle means almost constant use of air conditioning systems in homes and businesses. Some components within these units can become a possible source for mold and bacteria; each is easily spread when blown into and recirculated through air ducts. To maintain healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) in the Triangle, it’s important that the HVAC system and components be inspected and cleaned about once a year. Any unusual odor, like mustiness, when the air conditioning is running, could be good indicator that something normal. Often it can be the air conditioning cooling (evaporator) coil. In addition, moisture and mold from other sources, such as a plumbing leak; may be getting into the HVAC system. These situations can occur during a hot North Carolina summer, especially in modern tightly-sealed buildings. AdvantaClean of Cary / Apex offers a range of important services to help home and business owners improve and maintain IAQ.

AdvantaClean of Cary/Apex offers five important tips for improving summer indoor air quality:

  • Have an annual air conditioner coil cleaning: During normal A/C operation, water condenses from warm air blown over the cool coils in the air handler unit, and is drained to the outdoors. Because moisture is present, mold can develop, especially if the system isn’t draining properly or dust has accumulated. Getting the coils cleaned increases air conditioning efficiency and improves IAQ.
  • Test for mold if odors or allergy symptoms persist: Mold may not be visible anywhere in the building, but could be growing in unseen areas or even within the HVAC system. Mold testing and laboratory analysis of collected samples can verify the presence or absence of mold. AdvantaClean is IICRC Certified to perform the testing and remove mold.
  • HEPA vacuum cleaners remove fine particles: Conventional vacuum cleaners, especially the common bag design, tend to blow fine particles such as dust mites, pet dander, mold, and their allergens back into the air. HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) vacuum cleaners incorporate the use of filters to eliminate this problem, and their use can thus significantly improve IAQ.
  • Common materials and activities can be problematic: Many common floor coverings and furnishings can affect IAQ. These often contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other chemicals, especially when new, and ventilation with outdoor air is necessary. The same applies with many household cleaners, candles, air fresheners, and cooking.
  • Keep HVAC air ducts clean: The large volumes of indoor air that move through an HVAC system every day contain dust, microbes, and chemicals. Using good HVAC filters and changing at recommended intervals can help, but ultimately the ducts may still need cleaning. AdvantaClean is certified by the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) to perform this work.

AdvantaClean of Cary/Apex is the local Triangle firm to call for improving and maintaining indoor air quality in homes and businesses. We are the go-to solution for air duct cleaning, mold testing and remediation, and air conditioner coil cleaning. We offer great customer service and 24/7 availability.


AdvantaClean of Cary and Apex is your environmental specialist in Wake and Johnston Counties. Our team of certified professionals is ready to address all your service needs.

Your air quality and restoration specialists

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Photo: anankkml, freedigitalphotos.net