5 Ways to Minimize Smoke and Ash from a Fire

digidreamgrafix_FDPFires happen.  Sometimes a Triangle home or business will experience a quickly contained fire that affects a small portion of the building. However, what remains after a fire can be much worse than the actual fire event, depending upon how much smoke and ash was generated. Smoke can easily travel into every nook and cranny of a structure, including inside walls, furniture, and storage areas. If the residue, which includes ash, is allowed to settle and linger, it causes permanent damage to everything it comes into contact with over a period of time. Getting smoke and ash cleaned up quickly will make a difference in terms of minimizing the damage.  Professional help will be necessary to make this happen.

AdvantaClean of Cay/ Apex offers five important ways to minimize the damage from smoke and ash after a fire:

  • Time multiplies the destructive potential of smoke and ash: Acidic areas that contain strong odors can also lead to corrosion, etching, and discoloration of most materials, especially metals and plastics. The damage begins to multiply within hours. Permanent damage is common within a day or two, so cleanup time is critical.
  • Smoke and ash must be properly cleaned up: Smoke and ash contain toxic and hazardous materials, including formaldehyde, benzene, acetic acid, formic acid, toluene, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, and heavy metals. Many of these substances become highly reactive in the presence of water and common cleaning agents. AdvantaClean can help.
  • Electrical wiring may become a dangerous hazard: The insulation on wires can easily burn off in the area affected by the fire, and could place areas at risk. The entire electrical system should be checked out before power is restored. Creating another fire mishap by taking shortcuts could create additional problems.
  • Get the HVAC system checked out: Smoke, soot, and ash most likely are in the air ducts, and from there can get into the whole system. It then can get circulate everywhere.  Avoid operating the HVAC system until it’s verified as safe.
  • Ventilate the building and dry wet items as soon as possible: Ventilate by opening windows and running fans will be an effective start to the odor elimination process. Keeping moisture to a minimum will also slow down the chemical activity of smoke and ash residue, and will reduce the possibility of mold problems. These are steps going in the right direction before AdvantaClean arrives.

AdvantaClean of Cary/Apex is the principal North Carolina contractor to choose for cleaning up fire and smoke damage. We are also certified and qualified to clean HVAC air ducts. The after effects of a fire must be cleaned up properly and quickly to minimize damage; and we’re available at all times, any day. AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex is IICRC Certified and provides the right professionals, equipment, expertise, and customer service to get the job done right. Call us right away for fire and smoke damage cleanup.

AdvantaClean of Cary/Apex is the number one team of professionals in the Triangle to perform IICRC certified fire and smoke damage restoration.  Contact us today in the unfortunate event a fire affects a home or business.


AdvantaClean of Cary and Apex is your environmental specialist in Wake and Johnston Counties. Our team of certified professionals is ready to address all your service needs.

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Photo: digidreamgrafix, freedigitalphotos.net