How to Maintain Good Air Quality with Pets

AdvantaClean of Cary How to Maintain Good Air Quality with Pets

If you own a pet you know that they are just like members of your family. But if you suffer from allergies, they might just be the reason. Many, if not all, animals shed. Not just fur but also microscopic pieces of their skin; this is called dander and it greatly affects a home’s indoor air quality.

Depending on how much time your pet goes outside, at least 50% of your pet’s dander collects in the house. Even a dog’s saliva can dry up and collect on his fur before flaking off and circulating through a home’s HVAC system.

This dander can lead to poor indoor air quality, resulting in allergic reactions and other respiratory problems.  

If you have a pet you are most likely inhaling loose particles of their skin with every breath you take. In order to own a pet and stay healthy it is necessary to rid your home of built up animal dander. Here are a few steps to take to keep your home pet friendly and healthy.

No More Snuggles

Invest in a pet bed. Yes, letting your furry friends sleep with you is one of the perks of having a pet, but it is also one of the biggest sources for pet dander.

Buy them their own bed so that they can shed in peace without getting their dirty skin particles all over your pillow. It is also recommended to make all bedrooms in your house completely pet free to keep air quality at its best.

Invest in a Purifier

It’s hard enough to keep pets out of the bedroom, but what about the rest of the house?  That is why an air purifier is recommended for each of the rooms your pets frequent.

Dust Often

Dander can sit in the little crevices of your home the same way that dust does. By dusting often, you are ridding your home of settled dander particles that could be making you sick.

In addition, dusting will overall improve your home’s air quality helping you and your family to breathe healthier in your home.

Buy a HEPA Filter Vacuum

A HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter vacuum is an effective tool for cleaning built up pet dander from carpets and also cleaning the air in your home. It is recommended to wear an allergy mask while using this vacuum since it will pull many microscopic particles out from your carpets.

Reduce Dander on your Pet

While pet dander is inevitable, keeping your pets hygienic by bathing and brushing them on a regular basis will greatly lessen their dander.

Maintain a Clean Litter box

This step seems self explanatory but many people do not even think about taking this step to avoid dander in the home. Make sure the litter box is placed in a well ventilated room in the house. Another option is to place it near your home’s air purifier.

By taking steps to avoid dander build up you will be reducing allergens in your home and be improving your home’s indoor air quality. And you’ll still be able to enjoy your pet’s companionship. 

AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex

AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex
(919) 297-2715


Five Essential Steps to Remove Scary Pollution in Time for Halloween

airduct4_advcIt is almost Halloween and the indoor air quality (IAQ) in many Triangle homes and businesses can get downright frightful. This is especially true considering that a wide variety of sources of indoor air pollution are common and widespread at this time of year.

Pollutants such as dust, soot, small particles, mold, and chemical residues tend to accumulate indoors on surfaces and in HVAC systems, particularly when ventilation with outdoor air is infrequent and inadequate. Most buildings in North Carolina are tightly sealed from outdoor air during the hot summer months and the coldest winter months, which makes fall and spring the best times to ventilate with fresh air. Through awareness of the sources of IAQ problems and steps to minimize them, Triangle home and business owners can make big improvements. Finally, getting the HVAC air ducts cleaned is critical in preventing recirculation of accumulated pollutants and improving indoor air quality.

AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex recommends these five essential steps to eliminating indoor air pollution and improving indoor air quality:

  • AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/ Apex suggests removing and controlling the sources of indoor air pollution: Cleaning products, air fresheners, furniture and flooring materials can release toxic chemical fumes. Common household and business activities, including cooking, pets, printers, and copiers are sources of microscopic particles. Reducing the use of these certain products, along with using more effective cleaning methods, can go a long way toward improving IAQ.
  • Use a top quality vacuum cleaner: Traditional vacuum cleaners that use a bag will exhaust or recirculate significant amounts of dust and other small particles back into the air. HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) vacuum cleaners utilize filters that capture and prevent recirculation of nearly all fine particles. Vacuums with HEPA filtration are available in most stores and online, and are essential in removing the most prevalent sources of pollution.
  • Assess and adjust techniques for dusting and vacuuming: Commonly used cleaning methods tend to spread and recirculate indoor air pollutants rather than remove them. Widely-used cleaners can contain toxic chemicals such as fragrances, chlorine bleach, and ammonia, and introduce more pollutants than they remove. It is important to consider alternative cleaners and changing dusting approaches.
  • Ventilation with fresh air is important: Since many structures in the Triangle and surrounding areas are tightly sealed from outdoor air, mainly for energy efficiency, the indoor air can get increasingly unhygienic as weeks and months go by. Ventilation with outdoor air, by opening windows at least once a week, can allow pollutants to escape. In addition, HVAC systems can be modified to take in additional fresh outdoor air.
  • Call AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/ Apex to have HVAC air ducts professionally cleaned: Even after source reduction, effective cleaning, and ventilation are managed, the air ducts in a building will still accumulate dust and other debris over a period of time. The accumulated pollutants are then continually recirculated in the indoor air. This is because large volumes of air move through the system. AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex specializes in air duct cleaning, and uses HEPA vacuums in the process.

AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex are knowledgeable experts in the Triangle that identify and correct IAQ problems, whether it’s at a home or business. Our professional team finds the sources of indoor air pollution, odors, and mold, and works with owners to improve air quality by providing information and services such as NADCA certified air duct cleaning.

Winter is coming and it is important to assess air quality. Please call us today at 919 434 7249 for service in the Triangle, Southwest Wake County, Holly Springs, Fuquay-Varina, Angier, Lillington, Sanford, and Fayetteville-Fort Bragg.

To all of our friends and clients: Happy Halloween Everyone!


AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary and Apex is your environmental specialist in Wake and Johnston Counties. Our team of certified professionals is ready to address all your service needs.

WE are the air quality and restoration specialists in the Triangle!

Call 919 434 7249

AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex

Photo: AdvantaClean