5 Important Reasons for Air Duct Cleaning from AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex

public-domain-pixabay-allergiesIt’s been a long, hot summer across North Carolina. In July, it hit 90 degrees every single day. The air conditioning systems in Triangle homes and businesses have been working hard since May. In addition, the windows haven’t been open much at all, so outside fresh ventilation has been infrequent at best.  As large volumes of air are recirculated through HVAC systems over the hot season, it’s inevitable that dust, pollen, pet dander, chemical residues, cooking residues, smoke, and various other particles have accumulated in the air ducts.

It is also an important consideration that the recent heavy rains and flooding from Hurricane Matthew might have created mold in a variety of homes and buildings. This mold can get into and spread throughout the entire HVAC system. Our team of professionals at AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex is available to help home and business owners get their indoor air quality (IAQ) back to healthy levels with certified, expert air duct cleaning.

Five reasons why AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex should clean those air ducts now:

  • HVAC air ducts are visibly dirty:  If dust or other matter can be seen around HVAC intake and outflow registers and grilles, that same material in the ducts as well. If smoke, mold, or musty odors have been evident, they are also very likely in the air ducts. All of this accumulated matter is being recirculated in the air.
  • IAQ problems are made worse by lack of ventilation: The lack of fresh air forces dust, other small particles, and various pollutants, to stay indoors. The result is that such pollutants eventually get inside the HVAC system.  Air duct cleaning minimizes this problem and is often necessary in modern buildings that are tightly sealed from outdoor air and ventilation.
  • Sneezing, wheezing, and coughing may not be from seasonal allergies: Another cause of these respiratory symptoms is particles and other pollutants being recirculated by the HVAC system. If the air ducts are never cleaned, indoor air pollution increases over time. In that situation, accumulating dust, pollen, and mold are increasingly moving through the indoor air.
  • Our air duct cleaning process will remove indoor air pollutants:  AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex connects a powerful vacuum device to the HVAC system. In addition, special brushes and compressed air whips are inserted into different parts of the system to dislodge particles. Everything gets captured by the vacuum and is removed from the indoor air.
  • Our pricing is easy to understand and doesn’t contain hidden extras: Our competitors use a variety of special offers, free inspections, add-on fees, and other pricing approaches to get customers to pay more for air duct cleaning. It is important to note that AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex is an NADCA certified expert company with great customer service. Simpler is better.

AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex is certified by the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) to inspect and clean air ducts in homes and commercial buildings. We approach each job to according to the unique circumstances at hand, explain everything in detail to our clients, and provide the best possible customer service. Call AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex today for certified, expert air duct cleaning.


AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary and Apex is your environmental specialist in Wake and Johnston Counties. Our team of certified professionals is ready to address all your service needs.

Your air quality and restoration specialists in the Triangle!

Call 919 434 7249

AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex

Photo: pixabay, public domain