Five Ways to Assess Fire and Smoke Damage in the Triangle

tpsdave2_pixabayAccidental fire and the resulting smoke damage are challenges for any home or business owner in North Carolina. It can even be more challenging when the cleanup gets off to a slow start or doesn’t progress in quick order. If smoke residue and ash, is left sitting around for any length of time, it begins to cause permanent discoloration and odors for flooring, furnishings, and other building contents. In addition, odors from fire and smoke will tend to linger and stay unless cleaned up quickly and properly, and mold is another possibility. The solution to all these problems is to call AdvantaClean of Cary/ Apex, the local professionals who are knowledgeable, experienced, and certified at handling fire and smoke damage. Triangle home and business owners are fortunate to have this team right here working in the Triangle, Fayetteville, Lillington and Sanford.

AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex offers five ways to quickly address fire and smoke damage:

  • AdvantaClean of Cary/Apex is available anytime, including weekends and holidays: Our people and equipment are always on call and ready to respond to the situation. Time is perhaps the most important consideration when it comes to cleaning up odors, water damage, and smoke damage resulting from fires. We are also experts at mold inspection and remediation, which is a common issue after fires, and can work to prevent a mold problem from emerging.
  • Our experts are experienced in cooperating with insurance claims adjusters: Claims adjusters are the insurance company representatives who interact with insured property owners and their contractors to process claims. We know their operating methods and expectations, and will work with them to get the work done quickly and keep further damage under control.
  • Our team is IICRC Certified: Certification by the IICRC means AdvantaClean is using the most current and proven methods to remediate fire and smoke damage. It also requires us to adhere to high standards of business ethics and customer care, and our people always get ongoing education to maintain a high level of competency.
  • We are experienced professionals in cleaning and removing fire and smoke damage: Soot, ash, and smoke residues are no ordinary cleaning task, with specialized expertise and equipment needed. The area needs to be cleaned quickly and completely to prevent further damage to a building and contents. We get to work immediately and know exactly how to do it correctly in every situation.
  • AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/ Apex removes mold: Water is typically used to extinguish a fire. This can quickly lead to mold growth. We are experts in mold detection and removal, and can ensure that mold will not be an ongoing problem after a fire.

AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex is the Triangle region contractor of choice for remediating fire and smoke damage. The aftermath of a fire must be cleaned up quickly and correctly to minimize damage. AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex is IICRC Certified, works fast, and provides the right people, equipment, expertise, and great customer service to get the job done right. Call us immediately to clean up fire and smoke damage.


AdvantaClean of Cary and Apex is your environmental specialist in Wake and Johnston Counties. Our team of certified professionals is ready to address all your service needs.

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Call 919 434 7249


Tags: smoke and ash cleanup, fire, fire damage, smoke damage, smoke, ash, residue, toxic, hazardous, chemicals, acidic, reactive, time-sensitive, Cary, Apex, Raleigh, North Carolina, Triangle, Wake County, IICRC Certified

Photo: tpsdave,

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