Five Important Suggestions for a Safe Family Thanksgiving

stressed-turkey-pixabayHoliday preparations are underway across the Triangle, Lillington and Fayetteville for the traditional family get together in many homes. It is a joyous time for area residents; yet one reality is that Thanksgiving is the most prominent day of the year for burn injuries and home cooking fires.

Burn cases are increasing every year around Thanksgiving because busy and distracted cooks injure themselves when lifting the heavy pan of turkey; they come into contact with hot pans or hot oil, and the accidents happens. In the busy holiday season, distraction can create hazards. Thanksgiving Day is the peak day of the year for home cooking fires. AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex wants everyone in the Triangle and across Cumberland and Lee Counties to stay safe this Thanksgiving. If an accident happens know that AdvantaClean is the team to call in North Carolina for cleaning up fire, smoke, and water damage.

AdvantaClean of Cary/Apex offers these five important suggestions for a happy and safe Thanksgiving dinner:

  • Be attentive to what’s cooking: Most home fires happen in the kitchen when something gets too hot on the stovetop or in the oven, and is usually the result of something unattended or overlooked. Always have someone watching as dinner cooks. Never leave the turkey in the oven unattended or leave anything cooking on the stove top with no one watching.
  • Certain cooking methods are safer than others: Frying and deep frying in hot fats or oils are much more hazardous than baking or steaming, especially if the cook is inexperienced or isn’t paying close attention. One rule of thumb for safe holiday cooking is “low and slow” avoiding any use of high temperatures. This will help prevent fires and injuries.
  • Don’t let flammable materials get near the heat: Loose fitting clothing, sleeves, and aprons can easily come into contact with a flame or hot burner on the stovetop and catch fire. Potholders, towels, and other fabrics should be intentionally kept away from heat sources. Cotton and linen fabrics are the most likely to ignite when accidentally contacting a hot surface or flame.
  • Engage in the proper use of cooking equipment: Be aware of any inappropriate use of pots, pans, dishes, and various utensils. For example, glass casserole dishes can’t tolerate the high heat of stove top burners, and can crack or burst if not used properly. Although it is a growing and popular trend, deep frying a turkey poses numerous fire and personal injury risks, even for experienced cooks. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends not using this method.
  • Have a fire extinguisher available near the kitchen: Proper use of a fire extinguisher is the most effective way to quickly put out most cooking fires. However, it’s important to note that a fire that can be contained and smothered, such grease in a pan on the stove, should simply be covered with a lid and allowed to cool.

AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex specializes in helping home and business owners recover from fire, smoke, and water damage. We offer the best IICRC Certified expertise, equipment, and customer service available in the Triangle. While we appreciate new business, we also want everyone in North Carolina to have a happy holiday season free of fires and injuries.

We wish everyone the best and not the most stressed Thanksgiving Holiday ever!


AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary and Apex is your environmental specialist in Wake and Johnston Counties. Our team of certified professionals is ready to address all your service needs.

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AdvantaClean Environmental of Cary/Apex



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